Featured performing choirs - NW ACDA Conference 2020

Casper Children's Chorale, Casper, Wyoming - Marcia Patton, Conductor

Casper’s Ambassadors of Song
The Casper Children’s Chorale was founded in 1979 to provide a positive and challenging choral experience for young singers. They have performed for audiences across Wyoming, and in Billings, Boise, Bozeman, Chicago, Colorado Springs, Denver, Los Angeles, New York City, Orlando, Philadelphia, Portland, Rapid City, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, Seattle, Spokane, Washington DC, and Vancouver BC, sharing their love of music and their pride in Wyoming!
These children, ages 9-13, from Casper, population 55,000, have performed at Regional and National MENC and ACDA conventions and received nothing less than Superior Ratings and Adjudicator Awards at over a dozen Heritage Music Festivals. Rehearsing once weekly for 90 minutes, their goal is to prepare thoughtful and caring world citizens…who LOVE to SING!
Performance: 3:30 pm - Thursday

Marcia Patton, Conductor
Marcia founded the Casper Children’s Chorale in 1979. Retired from Kelly Walsh HS where multiple choirs performed for NW ACDA and MENC, she was honored as Wyoming Teacher of the Year, UW Arts and Sciences Distinguished Alumna, WMEA Service Award, NAfME “Chorus Expert”, NCSD#1 Medallion(s) of Excellence, Casper Rotary Service Award and “Woman of Distinction”. Past president of WY ACDA, she served three terms as NW Women’s Choir R & R, and three terms as Children’s Choir R & R. She founded the WY ACDA Children’s Honor Choir in 1995, and has presented regional and national ACDA interest sessions. Marcia is a choral adjudicator for World Strides Festivals. Her conducting and performance experience includes the U.S., Europe, Southeast Asia, China, Brazil, and Canada.
Cascade Middle School Treble Choir, Vancouver, Washington - Kimberly Claassen, Conductor
Performance 10:30 am - Friday

The Cascade Middle School Treble Choir was founded during the 2016-2017 school year and rehearses three days a week before school from 7:05 - 7:50 am. Participation in Treble Choir is by audition only and is open to any 7-8th grade student who is enrolled in a music class at Cascade Middle School. Cascade's Treble Choir is quickly building a reputation of excellence within their school and local community. The choir performed at the WMEA state conference in 2018.

Kim Claassen, Conductor
Kim is in her seventh year of teaching and fifth year as director of choirs at Cascade Middle School. She received her Bachelors in Music Education from Central Washington University and is currently pursuing a Masters in Music Education through Central’s Summer Masters program.
Kim stays active as a clinician and performer and serves as the treasurer for the Lower Columbia River Music Educators Association.
CS Porter Middle School Varsity Porterliers, Missoula, Montana - Christopher Whiteman, Conductor Performance 3:30 pm Thursday

The Varsity Porterliers were founded in 2012 and have since become CS Porter’s premiere vocal ensemble. In addition to performing with several Western Montana high schools, the Varsity Porterliers have also performed with Le Donne Choir under the direction of Barbara Tappa, and Dolce Canto under the direction of Peter Park.
The Varsity Porterliers recently earned a “Gold” rating at the Seattle Heritage festival in 2019, and a rating of “Superior” in 2018 at the Music in the Parks festival in North Idaho.
The Varsity Porterliers are proud to announce that they will be premiering a commissioned piece for the ensemble by Jim Papoulis at the ACDA NW Conference.

Christopher Whiteman is the Director of Choirs at CS Porter Middle School in Missoula, MT. Previous to his eight years at CS Porter, Christopher taught band, choir, orchestra, and general music for seven years in grades 6-12 in California and Western Montana. Christopher holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education from California State University, Fresno and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Montana. This past school year, Christopher was honored to be named “Middle School Teacher of the Year” by the Missoula Education Foundation. Christopher is an active member of the American Choral Directors Association, Montana Choral Directors Association, the National Association for Music Education, and Montana Music Educators Association.
Hellgate High School Chevaliers, Missoula, Montana - Ellen McKenzie, Conductor Performance 8 pm - Wednesday

Established in 1965, the Chevaliers is an extra-curricular auditioned ensemble at Hellgate High School in Missoula, Montana. Students who participate in “Chevies” are in grades 10-12, and must be enrolled in a curricular choir to be eligible to audition for the group. Many members of the Chevaliers are high-achieving singers who are chosen for Montana All-State Choir and All-Northwest Choirs (NAfME and ACDA), along with other performing opportunities. The Chevaliers maintain a busy performing schedule, representing Hellgate Choir at school concerts and in many community performances.

Ellen McKenzie, Conductor
A native Montanan, Ellen McKenzie earned her BME in 2001, and her MA in 2012, both from the University of Montana. She is currently in her eighteenth year of teaching music, and her sixth year at Hellgate High School, where she conducts four curricular choirs, two extra-curricular choirs, and also directs the school musical. Previous teaching experience includes choir in Manteca, CA; K-8 music and choir in Frenchtown, MT; and choir at Flathead High School in Kalispell, MT. She has also directed music extensively in California and Montana. When not making music with fabulous young people, she enjoys performing, running with her two dogs, going to Orangetheory, and spending time with her husband Peter and sons Ben and Jack.
Charles M. Russell High School Chanteur Choir Great Falls, Montana - Lynn Ryan, Conductor Performance 10:30 am, Friday

The Chanteur Choir is one of six curricular choirs at C. M. Russell High School. The choir frequently performs throughout the Great Falls community and collaborates with other choirs in Montana. Two of their most recent collaborations with Great Falls High School include premiers of Moments in Film by Timothy Takach and Consolation: A Requiem for Newtown by John Muehleisen. Chanteur earned the honor of being named semi-finalists in the American Prize, high school division, in 2015 and 2016. Their most recent regional performances were at the 2016 Northwest ACDA Conference in Seattle and the 2017 Northwest NAfME Conference in Bellevue.

Lynn Ryan is in her eighth year as director of choir at Charles M. Russell High School in Great Falls, Montana. Mrs. Ryan earned her Bachelors degree in Choral Music Education from Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington, where she studied conducting with Dr. Richard Sparks, Dr. Richard Nance, and Kathryn Lehmann. She earned her Master of Music in Choral Conducting from Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff), studying with Dr. Edith Copley and Dr. Gary Weidenaar.
She serves as the Youth Coordinator on the Northwest ACDA board, department leader at Charles M. Russell High School, and is an accompanist in her church. Her husband, Patrick, is the choir director at Great Falls High School and past-president of both the Montana Choral Directors Association and Northwest ACDA.
Sonous Eagle High School, Eagle, Idaho - Seth McMullen, Conductor
Performance 8:00 pm, Thursday

Sonous is the premier vocal ensemble at Eagle High School in Eagle, Idaho. This 50-member auditioned touring ensemble consists of Juniors and Seniors and focuses on a high standard of choral literature spanning from the Renaissance to Vocal Jazz. Consistently recognized for choral excellence throughout Idaho and the Northwest, since 2003 Sonous has accepted nine invitations to perform at state and regional conferences. Students in Sonous represent a cross-section of the Eagle High School student body: every club, sport, and activity has had members in Sonous. Alumni of Sonous can be found singing at collegiate campuses throughout the Northwest.

Seth McMullen has served as Director of Choirs at Eagle High School in Eagle, Idaho since 2003. Under his award-winning direction, the choral program at Eagle has established a reputation for musical excellence throughout the state of Idaho and the Northwestern United States. Mr. McMullen received a Masters of Music in Choral Conducting from Northern Arizona University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education from Whitworth University. He has served in state and regional level leadership positions for ACDA and IMEA. Seth was selected as the 2018 NWACDA representative for the International Conductor Exchange Program, serving a three-week residency in Kenya. He sings Tenor in Male Ensemble Northwest and is the Choir Director at King of Glory Lutheran Church in Boise.
Ferris High School Canterbury Belles, Spokane, Washington - Barbara Tappa, Conductor Performance 8:00 pm Thursday

The Canterbury Belles is the premier women’s choral ensemble at Joel E. Ferris High School in Spokane, Washington. They perform a wide variety of literature and their selections may include music that is humorous, cultural, heartfelt, or address current social issues. The Canterbury Belles have been recognized throughout the Northwest as a choir dedicated to passion and excellence through their musical performances. These young women are also members of the Symphonic Choir and several participate in the Ferris instrumental music program.

Barbara Tappa is in her 20th year of teaching and 13th year as the Director of Choral Music at Joel E. Ferris High School in Spokane, Washington. She also directs Le Donne, a community women’s choir. Barbara has been a cantor and choir director at Catholic churches in the United States, Japan and Norway.
She enjoys guest conducting and adjudicating choral festivals. In 2016 Barbara was the Washington State High School Music Educator of the Year. Barbara has served as Choral Curriculum Officer for Washington Music Educators Association and is currently the president-elect for Washington ACDA.
St. Mary’s International Varsity Male Ensemble, Tokyo, Japan - Randolph Stenson, Conductor Performance 8:45 pm, Friday

The Varsity Ensemble seeks to nurture a love for and global awareness through music from many cultures and their spiritual heritage. The group realizes music through expressive movement. Internationally, they’ve received top honors and awards at competitions and festivals on four continents, most recently, the 3rd​ choir in 30 years winning the Oswald Stocker Prize at the 2019 Verona Choir Competition.
Selected performances include three ACDA National and five Regional Conferences, the ANCA National Convention in Brisbane, and EARCOS in Bangkok. They were the invited choir for the Japan Choral Association’s concert honoring works of Maria Guinand, and are featured in Creating Artistry: Through Movement and the Maturing Male Voice​.
They are extensively active in charity work, especially Refugees International Japan and Save the Children.

Randolph Stenson, Conductor
Randy conducts the acclaimed Varsity Ensemble, International Show Choir, and 120 voice Men’s Choir at St. Mary’s International School. Recognized for use of expressive movement in both rehearsal and performance, he is an advocate for male choral music education. Randy has directed honor and all-state choirs, led workshops, lectured at universities and international conferences, and adjudicated competitions globally.
Co-author of ​Creating Artistry: Movement and the Maturing Male Voice,​ he edits the ​Stenson Male Choral Series ​and ​International Choral Series f​or Pavane Publishing, and the ​Randy and Rachel Stenson Choral Series ​for SBMP. He earned a BA from Concordia College Moorhead and MME from VanderCook College of Music under Paul Christiansen, Larry Fleming, and Robert Sinclair with further study under David Ryal and mentor Rodney Eichenberger.
Central Washington University Chamber Choir, Ellensburg, Washington - Gary Weidenaar, Conductor Performance 8:45 pm, Friday

The CWU Chamber Choir’s goal is to sing high quality music at the highest level of musicality possible. The flexibility to sing multiple styles is the 21st century singer’s mantra. High expectations meet diligent and careful preparation in artistic rehearsals. “CWU Ch2” is known throughout the world largely due to its strong YouTube presence. In 2015, Ch2 received an invitation to take part in the prestigious Tolosa International Choir Competition. On that tour, the choir spent twelve days in Spain, and presented five concerts. including one in the Cathedral in Léon, one of most historically significant buildings in the world. The choir will likely be returning to Spain in Fall, 2020. In 2016, Chamber sang Frank Martin's Mass for Double Choir.

Gary Weidenaar is in his 37th year of teaching: the first fifteen years in schools in Michigan, Germany, Norway, and California – with nine of those years overseas. Since 2006, he has served as the Director of Choral Studies at CWU where over 200 singers populate 4 traditional choirs. Dr. Weidenaar spends a great deal of time with choirs of all levels. He has presented workshops to music educators throughout the US; in Switzerland, Sweden, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, and Germany. He has adjudicated, served as clinician, or conducted over 2,000 choirs since 2002. Most recently, Weidenaar was invited by DCINY to conduct a concert of Ola Gjeilo’s music in Carnegie hall in February, 2019. A NWACDA past-President, Weidenaar received Washington’s ACDA Leadership Award in 2015.
University of Wyoming Collegiate Chorale, Laramie, Wyoming - Nicole Lamartine, Conductor Performance 8:00 pm, Thursday

The University of Wyoming Collegiate Chorale is the flagship university choral ensemble in Wyoming, comprised primarily of undergraduate students, including non-music majors. The Collegiate Chorale presents creative programming with deep connections to text and music while providing an intimate atmosphere for a meaningful and exciting choral experience.
The ensemble carries a tradition of excellence in choral performances under their director, Nicole Lamartine. The UW Collegiate Chorale was invited to perform at the 2017 and 2011 NW National Association for Music Education Conferences and at the 2012 National Collegiate Choral Organization conference. In addition, the ensemble has earned a reputation for exciting premieres of works by Pulitzer Prize and Grammy-winning composers Craig Hella Johnson, Jennifer Higdon, Forrest Pierce, John Muehleisen, Gabriela Lena-Frank, Gerard Schwarz, and Libby Larsen.

Dr. Nicole Lamartine strives in every musical experience to illuminate meaning and impact of the commonalities of being human. As Director of Choral Activities at the University of Wyoming she conducts the Collegiate Chorale, The UW Singing Statesmen and the Happy Jacks, and teaches conducting and studio voice.
“Dr. La” is in demand as a conductor and clinician across the US, China, and Europe. Recent conducting engagements include All-State Choirs in Minnesota, Colorado, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Alaska, Wyoming, and honor choirs in Germany, United Arab Emirates, and Oman.
She demonstrates that creativity is intertwined with strength of body and mind and is a recognized expert of females conducting TeBa choirs. Lamartine is Past-President of NW ACDA.
Oregon State University Bella Voce Corvallis, Oregon - Sandra Babb, Conductor Performance 10:30 am, Friday

Bella Voce, the premier treble choir at Oregon State University, consists of 60 undergraduate and graduate students studying a variety of degree programs. Primary goals of Bella Voce include providing for treble singers to engage with a wide range of choral repertoire, generating opportunities for choral music education majors to lead and conduct, and championing composers from diverse backgrounds, including female composers and composers of color. Bella Voce has performed for conferences of the Oregon Music Educators Association, the Northwest Division of the National Association for Music Education, and the International Society for Music Education. Most recently, Oregon State University Bella Voce has been featured with OSU performances of Paulus’ To Be Certain of the Dawn, Maslanka’s Mass, and Mahler’s Symphony No. 3.

Sandra Babb is Assistant Professor of Music Education at Oregon State University. Babb received her BME, MME, and Ph.D. from Florida State University where she studied with Judy Bowers and André Thomas. She is also a National Center for Voice & Speech Certified Vocologist. Babb has conducted honor choirs throughout the United States and has presented for state, regional, and national conferences of NAfME and ACDA. Ensembles under her direction have performed for Florida, New York, and Southern Division ACDA as well as the Oregon Music Educators Association and Northwest NAfME. She has served on the ACDA National Steering Committee, and currently serves as the R & R Chair for Women’s Choirs for OR-ACDA, as well as the Youth and Student Activities Chair for NW-ACDA.
Montana State University Montanans, Bozeman, Montana - Kirk Aamot, Conductor Performance 8 pm, Wednesday

The Montanans, a select vocal ensemble based in the School of Music and the College of Arts & Architecture at Montana State University, is dedicated to the artistic performance of new and established choral literature representative of all genres and stylistic periods. Touring opportunities led the ensemble to perform at Notre Dame in Paris and the Church of Pi in Barcelona in May of 2018. In December of that year, the Montanans were honored to accept an invitation from Archbishop Juan García Rodriguez to perform at the Havana Cathedral. In February 2019 the choir sang at the Northwest Conference for Music Education in Portland, Oregon.

Kirk Aamot is Director of Choral Activities at Montana State University where he teaches choral conducting and choral methods while conducting the MSU Chorale and Montanans.
His editions of choral music are published by Hal Leonard, Kjos Music, Santa Barbara and Alliance Music Press and his reviews of choral music performance and teaching philosophy have been published in state, regional and national publications of the American Choral Directors Association.
Vocal Affinity Chamber Singers, Rexburg, Idaho - David Torres, Conductor Performance 3:30 pm, Thursday

Vocal Affinity brings advanced contemporary repertoire to the stage together with the Gregorian Chant and Renaissance music of the past. Its mission is to touch the hearts and souls of audiences and performers through the artistic, nuanced blending of poetic text and beautiful harmonies. Performing under the baton of Conductor David Torres, this elite vocal ensemble, based in Rexburg, Idaho, melds the voices of accomplished auditioned singers from around the nation.

David Torres brings eleven years’ experience to the podium. His vocal and instrumental ensembles have appeared in California, Idaho, and Utah and been heard worldwide (Brigham Young University, Idaho productions for PBS and internationally televised events for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). David currently conducts the elite Vocal Affinity in Rexburg, Idaho, and the Los Angeles-based Echo Luminos. He also serves as Assistant Conductor to the APU Choral Scholars and Conducting Associate to Southern California’s Angeles Chorale. David has a BA in music from BYUI, where he also served as adjunct faculty, and is currently pursuing his MM at Azusa Pacific University. His conducting teachers include Dr. Rebecca Lord & Diane Soelberg (BYUI), Dr. Donald Neuen (UCLA), and Dr. John Sutton (APU).
Chronos Vocal Ensemble, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - Jordan Van Biert, Conductor Performance 8:00 pm, Wednesday

A “rapidly rising star in the Canadian choral scene” (Anacrusis), Chronos Vocal Ensemble has built a reputation for innovation and excellence. Since its inception in 2013, the choir has delighted audiences in four provinces and performed at distinguished events including Music Conference Alberta and Choral Canada’s 2016 and 2018 Podium conferences. The ensemble regularly commissions Canadian composers and also runs an annual composition competition. It has released three recordings featuring new Canadian repertoire, most recently the 2018 release Fresh: New Music From Canada, and is regularly heard on CBC Radio’s Choral Concert.
In 2015 Chronos Vocal Ensemble won Choral Canada’s biannual Competition for Canadian Amateur Choirs, and in 2016 was recognized by the City of Edmonton’s Salute to Excellence for bringing recognition to Edmonton.

Over the past decade, Jordan Van Biert (MMus, University of Alberta, 2007) has emerged as a respected choral leader and organization builder, uniting singers in the goal of creating rich musical experiences for themselves and for audiences. He is an experienced conductor of many ensemble types, a passionate educator, and an accomplished singer. Jordan founded Chronos Vocal Ensemble in 2013 to pursue excellence in choral performance in the context of a nonprofessional ensemble. His work with the choir has gained significant recognition: he was shortlisted in 2016 as Emerging Artist in Edmonton’s Mayor’s Celebration of the Arts, and recently received the Con Spirito award from Choir Alberta, for “spirit, dedication, and commitment to choral music in the Province of Alberta.”
Portland Phoenix Chamber Choir, Portland, Oregon - Justin Smith, Conductor Performance 8:45 pm, Friday

The internationally award-winning Portland Phoenix Chamber Choir was founded as the Marylhurst Chamber Choir, the premiere choral ensemble at Marylhurst University in Portland, Oregon. Upon the sudden closure of Marylhurst, the choir was reborn as Portland Phoenix. The Chamber Choir has twice performed at OMEA and at Carnegie Hall. In 2016, they participated in the Cork International Choral Festival in Ireland. They were the only choir to take home two trophies, winning both Third Prize and the Peace Award for best embodying the spirit of the festival. They followed this with successful appearances at festivals in Latvia, Italy and Wales.
Chamber Choir has collaborated with Portland Chamber Orchestra, the composers Morten Lauridsen and Gwyneth Walker, and renowned vocal ensembles Cappella Romana, Cantus and Roomful of Teeth.

Dr. Justin Smith is the Director of Choral Activities at Queens University in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he directs three choirs and teaches courses in history and conducting. He was previously the Director of Choral Activities at Marylhurst University in Portland, where under his leadership, choirs grew from eighteen to a hundred singers, from one to three choirs.
Dr. Smith is in demand as a judge and clinician regionally and internationally. He has conducted at Carnegie Hall twice, and has adjudicated choral festivals in Greece, Turkey and Finland.
He holds the DMA in Choral Conducting from the Moores School of Music, University of Houston, with additional degrees in music from Wesleyan University and the University of Oregon.
In Mulieribus, Portland, Oregon - Anna Song, Conductor
Performance 8:00 pm, Wednesday

Based in Portland, In Mulieribus (IM; Latin for "amongst women") presents an annual concert series and appears frequently as featured guest artist around the region with past performances at the Portland Art Museum, University of San Diego, and Mount Angel Abbey Bach Festival. The ensemble is regularly broadcast on nationally syndicated radio shows such as Performance Today, and its recordings have garnered praise from The Oregonian and Early Music America. IM has recently reached beyond its early music focus to highlight works by women, seeking to raise the profile of female composers who remain under-represented throughout the landscape of classical music. IM also sponsors free workshops, performs benefit concerts, and offers free concert tickets in their commitment to make concerts accessible to all.

Dr. Anna Song is Associate Professor of Music at Linfield College where she also serves as the Director of Choral Activities. In 2004 she co-founded In Mulieribus, a professional women's vocal ensemble dedicated to the promotion and enrichment of community through music written primarily before 1750. Under her direction, the ensemble has continued to present a highly acclaimed annual concert series in Portland since 2007. A frequent choral clinician and adjudicator in the Portland area, she also coordinates the Young Musicians and Artists Choral Program in Salem OR every summer. Dr. Song holds degrees in music composition and conducting from UCLA and Yale University, and a Doctor of Music Education degree from Teachers College, Columbia University.
Male Ensemble Northwest Performance 8:00 pm, Thursday

Male Ensemble Northwest was formed in Longview, Washington, in 1982, the brainchild of Howard Meharg, Larry Marsh and Bruce Browne, who wanted to form a singing group as well as encourage young singers in public schools to sing in choirs of all kinds. Thus it was that Male Ensemble Northwest was formed to demonstrate a high level of music making by choral conductors from the Pacific Northwest region and also to promote the art of choral singing.
While a high level of artistry is always an important goal, the members of M.E.N. value the professional and personal associations they have with each other. It is important that the personal soul is fed as well as the artistic.
The Highlighters, South Kitsap High School, Port Orchard, Washington - Michael Allen, Conductor

Performance 4:00 pm, Friday
The Highlighters began in 1963, and under the direction of Mr. Jeff Mitchell (1966-1998) gained notoriety throughout the region as an outstanding vocal jazz ensemble. The ensemble draws students from all grades and requires members to be part of Chamber Choir or another performing ensemble. Under the direction of Mike Allen (1998–present), the Highlighters have received numerous awards and have traveled to Europe three times, NYC and Carnegie Hall, Florida and California. In the summer of 2020, the Highlighters and Chamber Choir will compete at The World Choir Games in Flanders, Belgium. Members of the Highlighters often perform in College and University Ensembles and perform regionally and abroad. Our commitment is to perform a wide range of repertoire while staying true to the genre.

Mike Allen is the Director of Vocal Music at South Kitsap High School (1998-present) and previously taught in the La Center School District (1989-1998). His classes include The Highlighters, Chamber Choir, Treble Choir, two non-audition Concert groups, Music Technology and AP Music Theory. His choirs have received numerous awards and travel extensively including performances in Europe, Carnegie Hall, Florida and California. Mike has served on the Washington ACDA Board and as President of Olympic Music Educators Association. He earned his B.S. in K-12 Music at Oregon State University (1989) after two years at Mt. Hood Community College. Mike is the Worship Arts Director at Harper Church. Mike has been married to Beth for 32 years and has two grown children living in the Tacoma/Seattle area.
Bellevue College Jazz Singers, Bellevue, Washington - Thomas Almi, Conductor Performance 4:00 pm, Friday

The Bellevue College Vocal Jazz Ensemble “Celebration” was formed in 1972. This award-winning internationally acclaimed ensemble performed at five IAJE national conferences in recent years and has also performed several times at American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) and National Association for Music Education (NAfME). In January 2014, Celebration was honored to perform at the Jazz Education Network Conference in Dallas, Texas and the ACDA NORTHWEST Conference in Seattle, WA.
Celebration has shared the stage with many accomplished musicians including The New York Voices, Tony Bennett, Kathy Kosins, John Pizzarelli, Kurt Elling, the Yellowjackets, Nancy King, M-PACT, The Coats, Groove for Thought, Greta Matassa, and more.
The ensemble tours yearly on a local regional and national level. Bellevue College is proud to be a part of the rich tradition of vocal jazz in the Pacific Northwest.

Thomas Almli has been Director of Choral Music Activities at Bellevue College since 2002 and is the current Chairman of the Music Department. In addition to directing The Bellevue College Jazz Singers, Mr. Almli directs The BC Concert Choir and Chamber Choir. He also teaches Music Theory, History of Jazz, History of Rock and Roll, and is active as a private voice and piano instructor.
Prior to Bellevue College, Mr. Almli was the Director of Choral Activities at Pierce College in Tacoma, WA. In the five years at Pierce College, he established highly acclaimed and award winning concert choirs and vocal jazz ensembles, also giving multiple IAJE and MENC performances.
Jazz Honor Choir (Grades 10-12) - Amanda Taylor, Conductor
Performance 4:00 pm, Friday

Amanda Taylor, our conference jazz honor choir conductor, was raised in Renton, Washington. However, most of her musical endeavors growing up took place in Seattle. Since the age of eight, she has participated in award-winning groups such as the Seattle Youth Symphony, the Grammy-nominated group Vocalpoint! Seattle, and the Seattle Girls’ Choir (with whom she has toured such places as Germany, France, Hungary, Slovakia, and Austria).