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Reading session serves 70; Summary of the first annual Summer Institute, August, 1996

by Howard Meharg, WA ACDA President

Some seventy participants attended the first annual reading session sponsored by the Washington ACDA. The University of Puget Sound provided the facilities at Kilworth Auditorium for this event which was held on August 1 and 2.

President-Elect Twyla Brunson served as program chair-person and lined up an impressive list of choral leaders, most from this state, who not only led the selections but also chose the music from their vast "repository" of literature and experience.

Gene Brooks, ACDA Executive Secretary, opened the first annual WA-ACDA Summer Reading Session on August 1 and 2 with a "status report" on the national organization. He also urged all ACDA members to attend the national convention which will be held in San Diego in March, 1997.

Gene was followed by Edward Schaefer, Gonzaga University, with sacred literature, Judy Burns of Bothell High School with high school material, Scott Dean, with more sacred music, and Twyla Brunson, who led the participants through several fine songs for Jr. High Treble groups.

The Thursday mid-afternoon session featured Greg Vancil and Scott Peterson. Greg's material featured treble selections for high school singers, and Scott presented college level literature.

Paul Schultz, local organizing chair, made arrangements for a fantastic salmon barbeque through the food service group from UPS. "Worth the price of admission," one director noted.

Northwest composers were featured in the early evening program with Judy Herrington chairing this part of the event. In addition to her own music, Judi presented compositions by Vijay Singh and Andrea Klouse. Rich Nance, of PLU led several of his outstanding compositions and arrangements, as did Donna Schultz. Jerry Weseley Harris, of Beaverton, presented several of his selections for reading.


Ken DeJong and Leslie Guelker-Cone presided over a session dealing with music for male voices, sacred selections, and advanced treble literature.

Rich Nace of UPS and Paul Schultz were featured on Friday morning...their topic, rehearsal techniques. Some of Rich's material is printed in other pages of this newsletter.

"Essential Learnings," the new state guidelines for music was the topic for Karen Fulmer's presentation. Charles Peterson talked of vocal pedagogy for church choir members, and Joseph Crnko held a third "break-out" session, his topic "The Child's Voice."

Presenters for the Friday afternoon sessions were Karen Martin, with Jr. High Literature, Helen Lauritzen, with some wonderful "Multi-cultural" material, Don Barrows on the Community Choir, and Linda Fahlgren and Cathy Blecher, who teamed up in presenting some jazz pieces.

"The Dan and Dave" Show ended the event. Dan Jackson of Wenatchee, and Dave Cross from Everett, not only led some fine music for high school use, but also took charge of drawings for "door prizes."

Malecki Music of Spokane provided the music. Lists of this material are still available from Malecki. It's not too late to check out this material. Contact Malecki and make use of the expertise of these wonderful presenters who were so willing to give of their talents this summer.

"We are so grateful for the leadership we have right here at home. Our sincere thanks to these fine choral directors," said Howard Meharg, General Chairman.

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