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Tacoma's for you in 2002
by Karen F. Fulmer (September, 2001)


Mark your calendars for March 6-9, 2002 when the Northwestern Division takes over Tacoma, WA for one of the most exciting conventions in ACDA history!

Start your stay on Wednesday with Jazz Night, attend concerts and interest sessions presented by leading northwest conductors and teachers, attend the premier performance of the Raymond Brock commissioned work by our own northwest composer, Richard Nance, be inspired by over 500 honor choir students and “rub elbows” with internationally recognized guests, Alice Parker, Chor Leoni, Diane Loomer and the Air Force Singing Sergeants.

Spend time watching nationally recognized honor choir directors “in action”, Henry Leck, Sandra Snow, Scott Anderson and Charlotte Adams.

Conclude the convention Saturday night at Lagerquist Hall, Pacific Lutheran University, with a concert featuring PLU’s Choral Union, (featured performers at the ACDA 2001 national convention in San Antonio), and Chor Leoni, Vancouver, B.C. For a complete listing of performing groups and interest sessions, refer to the article by Twyla Brunson,

Program Chair. Registration prices include a box lunch for Roundtable Interest Sessions or to visit the exhibits on both Thursday and Friday. Local sites include the Sheraton Hotel, Tacoma Convention Center, First Baptist Church, Landmark Convention Center/Temple Theater (host to three honor choir rehearsal sites and performance), La Quinta Hotel (Children’s honor choir housing and rehearsal site) and Lagerquist Hall, Pacific Lutheran University. Convenience, location, acoustics and value were major considerations for our membership in planning this convention.

Included in this edition of Northwest Notes is a registration form for the convention.
Complete the form, then mail it with a check to the national office in Lawton. Rooms have been blocked at special convention prices for the following hotels:


Tacoma Sheraton, 253-572-3200, single or double-$98.00, triple- $108.00, quad - $118.00. Tacoma La Quinta, 253-383-0146, houses the Children’s Honor Choir and has rooms available at convention rates: single or double -$75.00. These rates do not include state and local taxes, which are currently 13.4%. Call today to reserve your room at the convention.

The Northwestern Division welcomes new Repertoire and Standards Chairs, Duane Karna, Eugene, OR, Men’s Choirs; Matt Strauser, Salem, OR, Music and Worship; Giselle Wyers, Boise, ID, Youth and Student Activities, and Marcia Patton, Casper, WY, Women’s Choirs. Many thanks to “retiring” board members Stuart Hunt, Scott Dean, Lori Wiest and Peggy Leonardi for years of leadership and service to ACDA. (Scott and Lori have moved on to national R & S appointments).

Last August, Twyla Brunson and I attended the ACDA National Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. We learned that the ACDA national office will soon be moving from Lawton to a new building in Oklahoma City, that the organization recognizes a significant need for mentorship relationships with new choral directors, that membership in ACDA is a vital link for choral directors at all levels, and that improved communication and networking is needed to strengthen the work of the organization.

Also attending the National Leadership Conference were five of the six Northwestern Division new state presidents, Mark Robinson, Alaska (absent); Renie Clements, Idaho; John Haughey, Montana; Jane Iverson, Wyoming; Sandra Brown Williams, Oregon and Judith Herrington, Washington. Each is a vibrant leader with many ideas for strengthening choral music in our northwestern states yet each needs support and input from you. Get involved – attend local and northwest ACDA offerings, invite someone to join ACDA, submit an article to Northwest Notes, or volunteer to help at the northwestern division convention (contact


Please plan to attend the division convention in Tacoma, 2002, and make a difference each day in your rehearsals by being part of the great organization we call ACDA.

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